The "Joy" became a jewel - Turquoise gemstone


Gem of the Gods

Gemstones have been used throughout human history, and although their powers are not rooted in science, they have never been as popular as in 2019. At find the perfect blend of Sterling silver and turquoise for your most fashionable outfits.

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In Arizona and New Mexico, indigenous cultures have used turquoise for decorative, spiritual, and medicinal purposes for 300 years. They regarded turquoise as the most valuable gem: it was a magical stone for them, whose value was revealed to people by the gods. They also used it as a trade good to engage in commerce with other peoples of South America. Starting in 1868, the Native Americans of the American Southwest, such as the Navajos, began producing turquoise jewelry known worldwide and became pioneers in jewelry making over a period of two centuries.
The study of minerals goes beyond the boundaries of mineralogy or geology. An example of this is turquoise and its relationship to history and art.

The Persian tea were the craziest and most passionate turquoise hunters. Persia is the most important turquoise source, which is only available in a mine at the summit of Mount Ali-Mersai, at an altitude of 2012 meters (25 km from Mashhad, the capital of the province). The treasure of the Persian Cha is located in the basement of the Iranian Central Bank, where the valuable crown of Farah Pahlavi is also found, famous for its design: turquoise stone alternating with diamonds.

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In Central Asia, it is considered a valuable talisman that symbolizes courage and hope and brings success to lovers. In China, turquoise has long been the favorite after jade. In the territory of ancient Tibet, it was not regarded as a jewel, but as a living being and even as a god.

The Arabs know it as Fairuz or lucky stone, the stone of infinite peace. The Turks call it "rider talisman." Cristobal Colón and Vasco de Gama are said to have always carried a piece of turquoise with them on their journeys. Even today, they adorn the elephants in India with turquoise to protect them.

Turquoise is the commemorative jewel of celebrities like Brad Pitt, Blake Lively, Britney Spears, Cate Blanchett, or Woody Allen. Turquoise has never been one of the most valuable stones for high-quality jewelry, although it has been given great importance in goldsmithing and decoration. All of this is evidenced by one of the most important masks ever discovered by archaeologists: The golden mask of Tutankhamun is adorned with turquoise.

The current name "Turquoise" is somewhat of a mistake: When it was marketed in France, this stone was called "Pierre Turquois," which means "Turkish stone," although its origin was Persian. In Persia, it was called "ferozah," which means "victorious." Until the thirteenth century, it was known as "callais," which means "beautiful jewel," a name that likely derives from the ancient Greek "kallainos" as well as "callaina" (Latin).

His brightness ranges from waxy to almost glassy, generally opaque and sometimes semi-transparent. The color varies as do the other properties, ranging from dark blue and sky blue to blue-green and yellow-green. The turquoise dazzles with its color, reminiscent of the intensity of the sea. It consists of aluminum phosphate with a mixture of copper and iron.

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This gemstone is also known to possess healing powersThanks to its high copper content, it is effective against pain. Its placement is associated with the third eye chakra: it enhances intuition and meditation. Relieves and heals eye diseases and headaches.

Laryngeal Chakra: Release old vows, inventions, and prohibitions so that the soul can express itself again. Particularly suitable for diseases of the respiratory tract, larynx, bronchi, and lungs.

Heart chakra: Absorbs all kinds of negative feelings, especially when it has copper inserts.

It allows for a balanced expression of emotions that are laden with well-being and strength.

During the production of Jewelry pieces made from this gemstone Craftsmen traditionally combine it with silver to create beautiful charms, vines, necklaces, and bracelets of extraordinary delicacy that harmonize these wonderful shades of blue to create truly striking jewelry.

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Discover the rings made of silver with turquoise stone und Silver ring with spiral and stone in turquoise

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